Friday, July 30, 2010

Will Washington's Failures Lead To Second American Revolution? -

Will Washington's Failures Lead To Second American Revolution? -

Obama is Poking His Narcissistic Finger in America’s Eye!

Obama is Poking His Narcissistic Finger in America’s Eye!

Deceit and Denial upon Our Ramparts

Deceit and Denial upon Our Ramparts

How America Came Under The Influence Of Liberal Rule

How America Came Under The Influence Of Liberal Rule

Obama’s Boss Can’t Hide Anymore

Obama’s Boss Can’t Hide Anymore

Soros Plots Plunder of 2012 Election

Soros Plots Plunder of 2012 Election

ONLY the US Supreme Court has Constitutional Authority to Conduct the Trial

ONLY the US Supreme Court has Constitutional Authority to Conduct the Trial

American Thinker: Obama's Mean Streak

American Thinker: Obama's Mean Streak

Obama pal filing rash of media lawsuits?

Obama pal filing rash of media lawsuits?

Obama official led Soros 'fund' supporting world government

Obama official led Soros 'fund' supporting world government

The Amnesty Memo - The Corner - National Review Online

The Amnesty Memo - The Corner - National Review Online

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Has the Time Come to Replace the Federal Government?

Has the Time Come to Replace the Federal Government?

Obama’s Land Grab Nightmare

Obama’s Land Grab Nightmare

Cap and Trade alive and kicking at EPA

Cap and Trade alive and kicking at EPA

Michelle Malkin » Obama’s Sob-Story Example of Why Unemployment Benefits Should Be Extended is a Convicted Fraudster

Michelle Malkin » Obama’s Sob-Story Example of Why Unemployment Benefits Should Be Extended is a Convicted Fraudster

Obama Supports Warrantless Searches

Obama Supports Warrantless Searches

Carbon Cronyism: Why Cap-and-Trade Is Not Dead Yet

Carbon Cronyism: Why Cap-and-Trade Is Not Dead Yet

Barack Obama, Adult Child of an Alcoholic

Barack Obama, Adult Child of an Alcoholic

American Thinker Blog: A carbon tax is for history deniers

American Thinker Blog: A carbon tax is for history deniers

NEA: Let's celebrate communism!

NEA: Let's celebrate communism!

Are illegals infesting U.S. military bases?

Are illegals infesting U.S. military bases?

Chelsea's day: What we know - KIKI RYAN | POLITICO CLICK

Chelsea's day: What we know - KIKI RYAN | POLITICO CLICK

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

1099: A Jobs Program For The IRS And Post Office [Reader Post]

1099: A Jobs Program For The IRS And Post Office [Reader Post]

Think SB 1070 Is Racist, Oppressive? How Do Illegals South of Border Fare?

Think SB 1070 Is Racist, Oppressive? How Do Illegals South of Border Fare?

Major tax increases and redistribution of wealth planned from the beginning

Major tax increases and redistribution of wealth planned from the beginning

American Thinker: The Obama Horror Picture Show

American Thinker: The Obama Horror Picture Show

Eric Holder and Race Privilege

Eric Holder and Race Privilege

American Thinker Blog: Democrats Seek to Change Rules of Game to Ensure Their Progressive Power

American Thinker Blog: Democrats Seek to Change Rules of Game to Ensure Their Progressive Power

More regulation-happy Obama czars

More regulation-happy Obama czars

'JournoList' group tied to White House, radicals

'JournoList' group tied to White House, radicals

Papers prepped to disbar Elena Kagan

Papers prepped to disbar Elena Kagan

Democrat: Let's have mandatory national service

Democrat: Let's have mandatory national service

POLITICO: Ben Smith: Political News and Analysis - Issa: Obama “pre-occupied” with BP politics

POLITICO: Ben Smith: Political News and Analysis - Issa: Obama “pre-occupied” with BP politics

Journolist veers out of bounds - Roger Simon -

Journolist veers out of bounds - Roger Simon -

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The new, improved Obama

The new, improved Obama

Bird Cage Liner of Record Liberates More Secrets

Bird Cage Liner of Record Liberates More Secrets

Michelle’s life is a holiday

Michelle’s life is a holiday

Dems nervous about potential GOP investigations if they take over House

Dems nervous about potential GOP investigations if they take over House

Obama religion adviser linked to unindicted co-conspirator

Obama religion adviser linked to unindicted co-conspirator

Obama: My Finances Have Suffered, Too

Obama: My Finances Have Suffered, Too

Michelle Obama to vacation in Spain | Earth Times News

Michelle Obama to vacation in Spain | Earth Times News

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Faith of Obama

The Faith of Obama

Our “Post-Racial” or “Most-Racist” President?

Our “Post-Racial” or “Most-Racist” President?

Secret Support for Lockerbie Terrorist Reveals Need for “Lies Czar” in White House

Secret Support for Lockerbie Terrorist Reveals Need for “Lies Czar” in White House

American Thinker: We the Serfs

American Thinker: We the Serfs

American Thinker: Obama's Herd Health Program

American Thinker: Obama's Herd Health Program

A Prelude to Global Governance?

A Prelude to Global Governance?

Soroswood: The Intersection of Politics and Hollywood Propaganda, Part 1

Soroswood: The Intersection of Politics and Hollywood Propaganda, Part 1

The Obama Square Dance: Believe What I Say, Not What You See

The Obama Square Dance: Believe What I Say, Not What You See

Now Christians set to attack tea partiers

Now Christians set to attack tea partiers

White House backed release of Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi | The Australian

White House backed release of Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi | The Australian

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Obama, The Nation Killer

Obama, The Nation Killer

American Thinker: Clarice's Pieces: Know When to Hold 'Em

American Thinker: Clarice's Pieces: Know When to Hold 'Em

That Wacky Left: Mike Malloy Says 'Murdoch Is a Nazi,' Every Employee 'a Potential Murderer' |

That Wacky Left: Mike Malloy Says 'Murdoch Is a Nazi,' Every Employee 'a Potential Murderer' |

Obama’s Grave Dereliction of Duty as an Impeachable Act

Obama’s Grave Dereliction of Duty as an Impeachable Act

‘Job Cremation’ vs. ‘Job Creation’ m-m-m!

‘Job Cremation’ vs. ‘Job Creation’ m-m-m!

Lindsey Graham: Portrait Of A Principled Idiot

Lindsey Graham: Portrait Of A Principled Idiot

Racism and the Never-ending Storm

Racism and the Never-ending Storm

Future Biographies by Former Members of Congress

Future Biographies by Former Members of Congress

New Zeal: Allen West on Healing America

New Zeal: Allen West on Healing America

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Man-child Obama and the politics of revenge

Man-child Obama and the politics of revenge

Soldier overseas? No voting for you

Soldier overseas? No voting for you

Revealed: The Obama Donor List

Revealed: The Obama Donor List

Is this the Fourth Estate?

Is this the Fourth Estate?

Freedom From Tyranny Is Our Goal

Freedom From Tyranny Is Our Goal

Culling the conservative herd

Culling the conservative herd

American Thinker: Three-Quarters of Congressmen Support Auditing the Federal Reserve, so Why Isn't It Law?

American Thinker: Three-Quarters of Congressmen Support Auditing the Federal Reserve, so Why Isn't It Law?

Financial Reform: What Does It Mean for “Little People?”

Financial Reform: What Does It Mean for “Little People?”



Friday, July 23, 2010

Ace of Spades HQ

Ace of Spades HQ

» Sherrod: Breitbart Wants Blacks to Be Slaves Again - Big Government

» Sherrod: Breitbart Wants Blacks to Be Slaves Again - Big Government

Obamaca: Reshaping society through government control

Obamaca: Reshaping society through government control

One Economic Chart That You Should Permanently Burn Into Your Memory - BlackListed News

One Economic Chart That You Should Permanently Burn Into Your Memory - BlackListed News

Townhall - Matt Towery - Mama Can't Find a Doctor, and Other Fallout From New Democratic Legislation

Townhall - Matt Towery - Mama Can't Find a Doctor, and Other Fallout From New Democratic Legislation

The most important story in American history, you’ll never hear on network TV

The most important story in American history, you’ll never hear on network TV

A Fourth Approach to the Muslim World

A Fourth Approach to the Muslim World

Hell has many rooms with the Obama administration….so little time

Hell has many rooms with the Obama administration….so little time

Independent and Conservative: How to Piss off Liberals on Twitter

Independent and Conservative: How to Piss off Liberals on Twitter

American Thinker: 'Progressive'? Awww, Grow Up!

American Thinker: 'Progressive'? Awww, Grow Up!

Lt. Col. West 'blacklisted' from charity gala

Lt. Col. West 'blacklisted' from charity gala

GOP attack plan: 'Starve beast' of Obamacare

GOP attack plan: 'Starve beast' of Obamacare

'Lose Christianity or face expulsion'

'Lose Christianity or face expulsion'

Rep. Charles Rangel broke ethics rules, House panel finds

Rep. Charles Rangel broke ethics rules, House panel finds

Thursday, July 22, 2010



American Thinker Blog: Obama's NLRB member is voting on cases related to his former organization

American Thinker Blog: Obama's NLRB member is voting on cases related to his former organization

Goading the tea parties

Goading the tea parties

Race Played Role in Obama Car Dealer Closures

Race Played Role in Obama Car Dealer Closures

American Thinker Blog: Obamacare's hidden tax on gold

American Thinker Blog: Obamacare's hidden tax on gold

The Rapid Decline of Modern Civilization

The Rapid Decline of Modern Civilization

Farewell Blue Sky - America’s Wall is Rising

Farewell Blue Sky - America’s Wall is Rising

O's jobs errors -

O's jobs errors -

More doctored BP photos come to light

More doctored BP photos come to light

We have missed the big picture on the firing of Shirley Sherrod

We have missed the big picture on the firing of Shirley Sherrod

Congressman: Obama buying votes in Kenya

Congressman: Obama buying votes in Kenya

Is this man Obama's worst nightmare?

Is this man Obama's worst nightmare?

ACORN Missouri Assaults Bank As President Obama Signs Bank Bailout Bill

ACORN Missouri Assaults Bank As President Obama Signs Bank Bailout Bill

Analysis: Race issues beset Obama's post-racial presidency | Reuters

Analysis: Race issues beset Obama's post-racial presidency Reuters

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Departing U.N. official calls Ban's leadership 'deplorable' in 50-page memo

Departing U.N. official calls Ban's leadership 'deplorable' in 50-page memo

Foundational Rationale for Global Governance

Foundational Rationale for Global Governance

Obama is Stripping National Defense

Obama is Stripping National Defense

How Journolist worked in practice

How Journolist worked in practice

American Thinker: Barack Obama's Endless Crises

American Thinker: Barack Obama's Endless Crises

Finding our Inner Maximus

Finding our Inner Maximus

Forty Acres & a Mule -- Sherrod Style?

Forty Acres & a Mule -- Sherrod Style?

American Thinker: America's Fast Track to the Third World

American Thinker: America's Fast Track to the Third World

Israel and Iran: No Surprise

Israel and Iran: No Surprise

A Dying Media Writes its Own Obituary

A Dying Media Writes its Own Obituary

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Race Card Fraud

Race Card Fraud News Forum - Thread News Forum - Thread

The Soros/Obama Puppet Show

The Soros/Obama Puppet Show

Documents show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Jeremiah Wright | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Documents show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Jeremiah Wright The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

American Thinker: ObamaCare Mythology: One Man's Life is Another Man's Loss

American Thinker: ObamaCare Mythology: One Man's Life is Another Man's Loss

American Thinker: Obama's Deadly Anti-British Agenda

American Thinker: Obama's Deadly Anti-British Agenda

Conservatives and Republican Victory

Conservatives and Republican Victory

Kagan’s Shariah Problem

Kagan’s Shariah Problem

A subsidy society is not sustainable

A subsidy society is not sustainable

Time Release WMDs

Time Release WMDs

Don't like socialist label? Don't act so much like one!

Don't like socialist label? Don't act so much like one!

Does GOP truly want Kagan stopped?

Does GOP truly want Kagan stopped?

'Obama pledges big movement' on carving up Israel

'Obama pledges big movement' on carving up Israel

Here's what Obama's doing with your money – in Kenya!

Here's what Obama's doing with your money – in Kenya!

Soros-funded terrorist, ACORN pushed felon vote

Soros-funded terrorist, ACORN pushed felon vote

Illinois Failures Go Nationwide Under Obama -

Illinois Failures Go Nationwide Under Obama -

SHOCK: Racism At NAACP Event? -

SHOCK: Racism At NAACP Event? -

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hot Air » Obamateurism of the Day

Hot Air » Obamateurism of the Day- Bo has a great vacation

Hot Air » Politico poll shows DC elites pretty happy about life in Obama administration

Hot Air » Politico poll shows DC elites pretty happy about life in Obama administration

GeoEngineering Our Destruction – Mitakuye Oyasin :

GeoEngineering Our Destruction – Mitakuye Oyasin :

Unions Holding Up Cash for the Troops

Unions Holding Up Cash for the Troops

United States Halts Gravy Train for British Global Warming Unit

United States Halts Gravy Train for British Global Warming Unit

Obama’s Economic Time-Bomb Set to Explode in 2011

Obama’s Economic Time-Bomb Set to Explode in 2011

It’s really about controlling our lives

It’s really about controlling our lives

Michelle no Mary Poppins!

Michelle no Mary Poppins!

President Haters

President Haters

American Thinker Blog: Obama seeking dominion over nation's waters

American Thinker Blog: Obama seeking dominion over nation's waters

A War Amongst Ourselves

A War Amongst Ourselves

A hidden world, growing beyond control |

A hidden world, growing beyond control

Obamas find a way to do Broadway at home, hosting star-studded PBS taping [Updated] | Culture Monster | Los Angeles Times

Obamas find a way to do Broadway at home, hosting star-studded PBS taping [Updated] Culture Monster Los Angeles Times

Tiny Hotel Rooms: Qbic Hotels - Bing Travel

Tiny Hotel Rooms: Qbic Hotels - Bing Travel

BP announces difficulties with new well cap |

BP announces difficulties with new well cap

Florida asked, 'Where's the birth certificate?'

Florida asked, 'Where's the birth certificate?'

Soros-funded group wants feds to probe talk radio

Soros-funded group wants feds to probe talk radio

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Exactly What “Mess” Did Your Policies Save Us from, Mr. President?

Exactly What “Mess” Did Your Policies Save Us from, Mr. President?

Bonehead Open Thread Saturday

Bonehead Open Thread Saturday

$8 gas – if you can find it

$8 gas – if you can find it- Obama failed to mention that the company he visited is owned by South Korea.

Ridding Ourselves of Obama

Ridding Ourselves of Obama

Obama Must be Impeached: He’s Either Incompetent, or Purposely Failing

Obama Must be Impeached: He’s Either Incompetent, or Purposely Failing

Noblesse Oblige: Obama’s Dog Gets Own Plane on Vacation Trip

Noblesse Oblige: Obama’s Dog Gets Own Plane on Vacation Trip

Bernie Madoff's wife seeking redemption through charity work in Florida -

Bernie Madoff's wife seeking redemption through charity work in Florida -

Watchmen on the Walls

Watchmen on the Walls

Why Would Anyone Start a Business in America Today?

Why Would Anyone Start a Business in America Today?

Lost in Taxation -

Lost in Taxation -

Changing Tune, Administration Defends Insurance Mandate as a Tax -

Changing Tune, Administration Defends Insurance Mandate as a Tax -

NYT Confirms Steven Chu Frustrated Spill Intervention Attempts

NYT Confirms Steven Chu Frustrated Spill Intervention Attempts

Obama lied, babies died

Obama lied, babies died

American Thinker: Clarice's Pieces

American Thinker: Clarice's Pieces

Saturday, July 17, 2010



Bobby Jindal - Ban on deep-water drilling adds insult to injury

Bobby Jindal - Ban on deep-water drilling adds insult to injury

Col. Allen West on NAACP Tea Party racism accusation : USACTION NEWS

Col. Allen West on NAACP Tea Party racism accusation : USACTION NEWS- Col. Allen West is one of my favorite candidates running for office.

Entitlements to claim 50 cents of every dollar

Entitlements to claim 50 cents of every dollar

Senator Brown and his truck…just drove past the American people « Liberty Central

Senator Brown and his truck…just drove past the American people « Liberty Central

Disgusting! NAACP Leader Ben Jealous Labels Tea Party ‘White Supremist Group’

Disgusting! NAACP Leader Ben Jealous Labels Tea Party ‘White Supremist Group’

Why an Empire that Borrows from its Rivals is Doomed to Fail

Why an Empire that Borrows from its Rivals is Doomed to Fail

White House wanderers tour Acadia | The Morning Sentinel, Waterville, ME

White House wanderers tour Acadia The Morning Sentinel, Waterville, ME- First Dog Bo flew in on separate jet.

American Thinker Blog: It's not just Mexicans crossing our southern border illegally

American Thinker Blog: It's not just Mexicans crossing our southern border illegally